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All mobile users, at least at one point in their lives, must have worried about the privacy of their cellular content, be it text messages, photographs, social media updates or anything like that. Leaving your phone lying about at home or workplace and wondering later if somebody went through your personal stuff, exchanging it with a friend for a couple of minutes and suddenly realizing the presence of really personal messages that must not be read by anyone else. We often find ourselves in many synonymous situations. Needless to state the embarrassment one has to face in case of confrontation which is often a sure consequence of exposure.
Fortunately, the issue of privacy is no more a serious concern, thanks to the latest smartphone application in market nowadays, called Lock Pro. This application, a must-have for all smartphone users, has been developed by a group of young Pakistani enthusiasts, under the umbrella of Plan 9, which is the largest technical incubator of Pakistan. It was initiated by Punjab Information Technology Board in 2012 to provide encouraging and supportive environment for young people with technologically innovative ideas.

This app totally provides you the space to customize it according to your need, with a range of amazing features. It ensures the safety factor without being annoying to the user at all.

The user can decide which features to keep locked and which to keep unlocked and most amazingly, this lock-unlock choice can be set on the basis of location as well. Lock pro is capable of automatically switching its settings according to the location. So, you can decide for once which features are safe to be kept unlocked at home or outside, without having to go through the trouble of locking and unlocking manually multiple times a day. Reminder alerts can also be set based on location.

Lock pro also supports a feature which facilitates recovering photos if lost. The security pin and pattern settings are user friendly, yet secure. There is also an option of Stealth Mode, which when enabled, requires user permission for outgoing calls.


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